5G Broadcast : Future of Connectivity

With commercial deployments announced for Germany, Spain, Greece, and France, 5G Broadcast is no longer a concept but rather a reality! The U.S. will be in the mix as well as other countries.

5G Broadcast (5GB) technology is a new platform to deliver content directly to smartphones, CPE (customer premises equipment) or any other smart device with a 5G modem chip (5GB enabled). 5G Broadcast is a standalone technology that works independently of cellular services (i.e. without an eSIM/SIM card), WIFI, Bluetooth or satellite

The First 5G Broadcast Station in the US - now Live!

LIVE WWOO Channel 28, Boston

The US is the first in the world with a 24/7 5G Broadcast station

On Wednesday, September 13th at 10.30 am Eastern Time, XGen Network showed a proof of concept for 5G Broadcasting. This was a historic moment for the US being the first 24/7 5G Broadcast station in the world! 5G Broadcasting also opens up a new, vital communications platform for first responders.

Watch on YouTube!

5G Broadcast: Direct to Mobile

The New World of 5G Broadcasting

A New Era in First Responder Communications

The Possibilities are Endless